Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting more from your traffic

Having a site means that you utilize each visitor to their fullest potenetial. The biggest problem that new website owners have is they spend more time trying to get new visitors than making their current visitors happy to be on the site.
There are three things you have to do in order to get the most from each visitor.
Go above and beyond with content – When people say content is key they actually mean it. If you write crap on your website then nobody will want to read it and there is no way they are going to check out some more of your articles. Having a website is hard mainly because of the traffic situation you might have but that will not be a major problem if you understand how to write better.
Something that many people try to do is simply give enough ok content that the viewer is pleased, but that isn’t enough. If you want your reader to keep reading your site and return day after day you need to go above and beyond. Studies show that if you spend an additional 20 minutes on every article you’ll receive more traffic and your bounce rate will decrease substantially.
Give a present – Something that individuals are not doing lately is give away free gifts. I’m not referring to a new Ipad or something like that but a free ebook would not hurt. Think about it, would you return for more if a site gave you something for free? It’s a simple method to implement and it could bring lots of traffic and every earn cash quickly.
Stop selling – Might you have read this article if I started it out with, “Are you prepared to earn money with your website and have an additional $1,000 in your bank account by the end of the night? Allow me to show you the exact method that I use to earn $15,000 per day on the internet”? I imagine you would click the back button very fast because it seems like I’m attempting to sell you something, correct?
Just think about those small things that make your page sound like you’re trying to sell the visitor something, you will never sell anything if you’re going with the direct sales approach. Making money with your website is extremely simply and as long as you follow these pieces of advice you should be fine.

Advice On How To Make Money With Hubpages

Do you have a dream of making money online simply by writing articles and getting paid for it? What most individuals do not understand regarding article writing is you don’t actually need your own website in order to earn cash, you can just use The nice thing about is you don’t have to pay anything to begin and the more articles you write with great content means the more money you will eventually earn.
Something that you should know regarding Hubpages is they’re really well monitored so you cannot write a lot of bad articles and start making money this way. However this may be somewhat difficult to begin with it, it is the best thing for you because at the end only the well written articles will receive traffic and make money and that is exactly where you should be. The final thing I want to tell you before I get to the tips on earning money creating hubs is you have to establish yourself in the Hubpages community as a trustworthy member and once you do that the other writers will start to view what you write each time and many times they will click on the ads and sometimes buy the products that you’re promoting.
Tips to earn money creating hubs
Write daily – The primary tip is extremely easy, you have to write new hubs daily. The reason why you should publish new hubs daily is so that there is always something new going into your bank of articles that way you will build up more and more articles to help you earn cash. This is where most individuals screw up, most individuals only publish a couple articles every week and that’s just not enough to really see a difference in the amount you earn.
Pick affiliate products to promote – Although you could make money just for the clicks that you get through the Google Adsense ads another fantastic way to make cash is by advertising different affiliate products in the hubs themselves. The nice part regarding advertising different affiliate products is that you don’t need to worry about barely making any cash and the more you publish the more cash you will make. Something that most people tend to do is try to promote too many affiliate products but if you want to really make a decent amount of cash then you will put all your time and effort into one or two products. Just know that in order to make money quickly you have to promote at least 1 affiliate product.